Tablecloths Size Guide & Charts For Square, Rectangular & Round Tables

Tablecloths Size Guide And Charts For Round Circular Tables Tablecloths Size Guide And Charts for Rectangular And Square Tables

What Size Tablecloth Do I Need?

Step 1

Find a pen, pad & measuring tape

Measure your table top surface size, width & length for square & rectangular tables

Measure your table top surface diameter for round tables

Measure your table height 

Draw a sketch of your table with its dimensions as a visual aid, to help work out the correct size tablecloth required

The use of a calculator may also be helpful 


Step 2 

*All items on the website are the actual tablecloth sizes

Don't forget, to calculate the correct size tablecloth for your table, allow for the tablecloth over hang, to drop down from the top of the table

For square & rectangular tables, add extra width & length for each of the 2 sides & 2 ends of the table measurement, for the cloth drop required down the table

For round tables, add the extra length required twice to the table diameter measurement, for the cloth to drop evenly all around the table

 A standard height of a table is 29" - 30" (73.5cm - 76cm)

To convert inches to cm multiply by 2.54  e.g. 1" x 2.54 = 2.54cm

To covert feet to inches muiltiply by 12   e.g 1 foot x 12 = 12 inches 


Ice White Table Master Tablecloths


Step 3 

Size guide charts - square. rectangular & circular round tablecloths

A) Find your table size in the left-hand side column of the charts - Standard Table Sizes

B) View the various options from left to right, which shows how much the tablecloths will drop down from the table top surface  

C) Finally, look at the top bar of the chart which shows the tablecloth size required


The Drop is the how far the tablecloth will drop down from the top of the table surface  

The Clearance is the distance between the end of the tablecloth drop down the table to the floor ( The tablecloth does not cover the table in the clearance )

* Guides below are based on UK standard size tables, standard height of a table is 29" - 30" ( 73.5cm -76cm )

Square Tables
Square Tablecloth Guide & Sizes

Square Table Top Surface Size (Width) x (Width)

Square Standard Table Sizes
35" x 35"
89cm x 89cm
45" x 45"
114cm x 114cm
52" x 52"
132cm x 132cm
63" x 63"
160cm x 160cm
70"x 70"
178cm x 178cm
90" x 90"
229cm x 229cm
24" x 24"
61cm x 61cm
2ft x 2ft
5.5" Drop
24.5" Clearance
10.5" Drop
19.5" Clearance
14" Drop
16" Clearance
19.5" Drop
10.5" Clearance
23" Drop
7" Clearance
Too large
30" x 30"
76cm x 76cm
2.6ft x 2.6ft
2.5" Drop
27.5" Clearance
7.5" Drop
22.5" Clearance
11" Drop
19" Clearance
16.5" Drop
13.5" Clearance
20" Drop
10" Clearance
30" Drop (floor)
0" Clearance
36" x 36"
91cm x 91cm
3ft x 3ft
Too Small 4.5" Drop
25.5" Clearance
8" Drop
22" Clearance
13.5" Drop
16.5" Clearance
17" Drop
13" Clearance
27" Drop
3" Clearance
42" x 42"
107cm x 107cm
3.6ft x 3.6ft
Too Small 1.5" Drop
28.5" Clearance
5" Drop
25" Clearance
10.5" Drop
19.5" Clearance
14" Drop
16" Clearance
24" Drop
6" Clearance
48" x 48"
122cm x 122cm
4ft x 4ft
Too Small Too Small 2" Drop
28" Clearance
7.5" Drop
22.5" Clearance
11" Drop
19" Clearance
21" Drop
9" Clearance
60" x 60"
152cm x 152cm
5ft x 5ft
Too Small Too Small Too Small 1.5" Drop
28.5" Clearance
5" Drop
25" Clearance
15" Drop
15" Clearance
66" x 66"
168cm x 168cm
5.6ft x 5.6ft
Too Small Too Small Too Small Too Small 2" Drop
28" Clearance
12" Drop
18" Clearance
72" x 72"
183cm x 183cm
6ft x 6ft
Too Small Too Small Too Small Too Small Too Small 9" Drop
21" Clearance


Example - Square Table - Width Of The Table Top Surface  

Square table 3ft wide x 3ft wide = 36" x 36" or (91cm x 91cm)

This is a standard restaurant square table size 

A square tablecloth size of 52" x 52" will give a Drop of 8" down each side 

The Clearance is the distance between the end of the tablecloth drop down the table to the floor & will be approx 22"

(The square tablecloth does not cover the table area in the clearance)

* A standard height of a table is 29" - 30"  (73.5cm - 76cm)

Calculation for 36" x 36" square table

(Square Tablecloth size minus table size) then divide by 2

E.g. (52” minus 36”) = 16 then divide by 2 = 8” tablecloth drop on all sides of the table


Treacle Black Table Master Tablecloths


The Drop is the how far the tablecloth will drop down from the top of the table surface  

* Guides below are based on UK standard size tables, standard height of a table is 29" - 30" ( 73.5cm -76cm )

Rectangular Tables
Rectangular Tablecloth Guide & Sizes

Rectangular Table Top Surface Size
(Width) x (Lenght)

Rectangular Standard Table Sizes
52" x 70"
132cm x 178cm
52" x 90"
132cm x 229cm
70" x 90"
178cm x 229cm
70" x 108"
178cm x 274cm
70 "x 144"
178cm x 366cm
83" x 126"
210cm x 320cm
24" x 30"
61cm x 76cm
2ft x 2.6ft
14" Drop On Each Side
20" Drop On Each End 
14" Drop On Each Side
30" Drop On Each End 
23" Drop On Each Side
30" Drop On Each End 
Too large Too large Too large
24" x 42"
61cm x 107cm
2ft x 3.6ft
14" Drop On Each Side
14" Drop On Each End 
14" Drop On Each Side
24" Drop On Each End 
23" Drop On Each Side
24" Drop On Each End 
Too large Too large Too large
24" x 48"
61cm x 76cm
2ft x 4ft
14" Drop On Each Side
11" Drop On Each End 
14" Drop On Each Side
21" Drop On Each End 
23" Drop On Each Side
21" Drop On Each End 
23" Drop On Each Side
30" Drop On Each End 
Too large Too large
30" x 42"
76cm x 107cm
2.6ft x 3.6ft
11" Drop On Each Side
14" Drop On Each End 
11" Drop On Each Side
24" Drop On Each End 
20" Drop On Each Side
24" Drop On Each End 
Too large Too large Too large
30" x 60"
76cm x 152cm
2.6ft x 5ft
11" Drop On Each Side
5" Drop On Each End 
11" Drop On Each Side
15" Drop On Each End 
20" Drop On Each Side
15" Drop On Each End 
20" Drop On Each Side
24" Drop On Each End 
Too large Too large
30" x 70"
76cm x 178cm
2.6ft x 5.10ft
Too Small 11" Drop On Each Side
10" Drop On Each End 
20" Drop On Each Side
10" Drop On Each End 
20" Drop On Each Side
19" Drop On Each End 
Too large 27" Drop On Each Side
28" Drop On Each End 
30" x 72"
76cm x 183cm
2.6ft x 6ft
(Standard Trestle Table)
Too Small 11" Drop On Each Side
  9" Drop On Each End 
20" Drop On Each Side
  9" Drop On Each End 
20" Drop On Each Side
18" Drop On Each End 
Too large 27" Drop On Each Side
27" Drop On Each End 
42" x 84"
107m x 213cm
3.6ft x 7ft
Too Small  2" Drop On Each Side
 3" Drop On Each End 
14" Drop On Each Side
  3" Drop On Each End 
14" Drop On Each Side
12" Drop On Each End 
14" Drop On Each Side
30" Drop On Each End 
21" Drop On Each Side
21" Drop On Each End 
48" x 96"
122cm x 244cm
4ft x 8ft
Too Small Too Small Too Small 11" Drop On Each Side
 6" Drop On Each End 
11" Drop On Each Side
24" Drop On Each End 
17" Drop On Each Side
15" Drop On Each End 


Image below is a standard size trestle table 30" wide and 72" long with a white tablecloth size 83" x 126" / 210cm x 320cm 

 Example - Rectangular Table -  Width & Length Of The Table Top  

Rectangular table 2ft 6"wide x 6ft length  =  30" x 72" This is a standard trestle table size 

A tablecloth size of 70" x 108" will give a drop of 20" down each side and 18" down each end 

* A standard height of a table is 29" - 30"  (73.5cm - 76cm)

Calculation for  30" x 72" rectangle table

W (Tablecloth width size minus table width size) then divide by 2

L (Tablecloth length size minus table length size) then divide by 2


W (70” minus 30”) = 40 then divide by 2 = 20” drop on each side of the table

L (108” minus 72”) = 36 then divide by 2 = 18” drop at each end of the table


Ice White Table Master Tablecloths


The Drop is the how far the tablecloth will drop down from the top of the table surface  

The Clearance is the distance between the end of the tablecloth drop down the table to the floor ( The tablecloth does not cover the table in the clearance )

* Guides below are based on UK standard size tables, standard height of a table is 29" - 30" ( 73.5cm -76cm )

Circular Round Tables
Round Tablecloth Guide & Sizes

Round Table Top Surface Size
Diameter Ø

Round Standard Table Sizes
24" Diameter Ø
61cm Diameter Ø
2ft Diameter Ø
18" Drop
12" Clearance
23" Drop
7" Clearance
Too large Too large Too large Too large
30" Diameter Ø
76cm Diameter Ø
2.6ft Diameter Ø
15" Drop
15" Clearance
20" Drop
10" Clearance
29" Drop
1" Clearance
Too large Too large Too large
42" Diameter Ø
107cm Diameter Ø
3.6ft Diameter Ø
9" Drop
21" Clearance
14" Drop
16" Clearance
23" Drop
7" Clearance
Too large Too large Too large
48" Diameter Ø
122cm Diameter Ø
4ft Diameter Ø
6" Drop
24" Clearance
11" Drop
19" Clearance
20" Drop
10" Clearance
30" Drop
0" Clearance
Too large Too large
60" Diameter Ø
152cm Diameter Ø
5ft Diameter Ø
Too Small 5" Drop
25" Clearance
14" Drop
16" Clearance
24" Drop
6" Clearance
29" Drop
1" Clearance
Too large
66" Diameter Ø
168cm Diameter Ø
5.6ft Diamter Ø
Too Small 2" Drop
28" Clearance
11" Drop
19" Clearance
21" Drop
9" Clearance
26" Drop
4" Clearance
Too large
72" Diameter Ø
183cm Diameter Ø
6ft Diameter Ø
Too Small Too Small 8" Drop
22" Clearance
18" Drop
12" Clearance
23" Drop
7" Clearance
29" Drop
1" Clearance


Example - Circular Round Table  72" / 183cm / 6 ft Diameter Ø Table Top Surface


A round tablecloth size of 60" / 152cm will be Too Small 

A round tablecloth size of 70" / 178cm will be Too Small

A round tablecloth size of 88" / 224cm will give an equal drop around the table of 8" / 20cm 

A round tablecloth size of 108" / 274cm  will give an equal drop around the table of 18" / 46cm 

A round tablecloth size of 118" / 300cm  will give an equal drop around the table of 23" / 58.5cm 

A round tablecloth size of 130" / 330cm will give an equal drop around the table of 29" / 73.5cm  [Full coverage]

* A standard height of a table is 29"- 30"  (73.5cm - 76cm)


How to measure a round table for the correct size of tablecloth required


Calculation Methods For Circular Round Tablecloth Size Required 

Measure the table top surface diameter of your table.

Then Add Twice the required tablecloth drop down the table.

For example a 72 inch round table top surface diameter, with a 29 inch tablecloth drop down the table required, would need a 130 inch round tablecloth

Calculated as 72 + 29 + 29 = 130

* A standard height of a table is 29"- 30" (73.5cm - 76cm)


Or use the method below, which is a bit more complex 


(Tablecloth Size Diameter) Minus (Diameter Of The Table Top Surface) Then Divide By 2 = The Drop Around The Table  

E.g. Tablecloth size diameter 130" (Minus) diameter of the table top surface 72" = 58" 

 Then 58" divide by 2 = 29" tablecloth drop around the table 


Have we confused you with the tablecloth calculations & examples?

We are here to help on what is the correct size tablecloth you require?

Double check to avoid disappointment when your tablecloth order arrives.

Find a pen, pad & measuring tape

Please measure your table size -  width & length or diameter & also your table height. 

Send your measurements & request via the message box and we will check or suggest the correct size for you.


When you have your table size measurements details, please call us on Free Phone 0800 612 1379

If you have access to the website, we will also guide you to the appropriate information & product pages. 

(Sales Lines Open Monday-Friday 9:00am-5:00pm)


Table Master Napkins and Tablecloths

Ice White Table Master Tablecloths

Treacle Black Table Master Tablecloths

Vanilla Ivory Table Master Tablecloths


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Ideal for Hospitality, Hotels, Restaurants, Healthcare, and the Home

"Love Tablecloths" polyester tablecloths are durable, soft, and absorbent, offering a 'Cotton Feel' texture.

Made with 100% polyester vortex air spun yarns, they are strong, durable, and have low colour loss with minimal shrinkage.

Reinforced hems and high-quality stitching ensure longevity.

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